God with us. How goes it with your whole person today? Praying over this word right now, I have asked our Father who loves you, to make himself known to you in His being with you. Meaning what concerns your heart concerns Him, where you go, He goes. Enoch got to walk with God and now God walks with us, Emmanuel.
He breathed His breath into you. Out of His creative genius, diversity and unending compassion He created you in His image. There are no other created beings like the sons and daughters who when unveiled in His truth reflect the light of the world, Jesus.
Satan, later called Lucifer or light bearer, wanted to carry the light of God and when he discovered that light would be given to us he rebelled. For God so loves us He gave us the light of His son, Jesus, now we get a glimpse of what that light looks like in the transfiguration of Jesus, Moses and Elijah. The beauty of the life of God dwells in you.
Because of this great gift of His son to us, I pray for you today to encounter His presence within receiving His eternal love for you in the way you need to receive that right now. And in His light all darkness has to flee for the two are incompatible. Ever spirit not compatible with His presence flee now, sickness depart, death lose your sting, depression, fear and anxiety I remove your pillars from the people of God.
Jesus light of all creation, King of Kings glorify your name in your people as they read this and refresh the heart of your children wherever they find themselves for where they are you are also with them.
We invite you to join us for a worship time, healing time, being encouraged by His presence this Saturday, March 29th at 7:30 PM at Hope Lutheran Church in Westminster, CA.