Kingdom GPS Required – A Detour A Day Keeps Kingdom Reward Away
Why Didn’t You Just Say So! I Could Have What?
(Unless familiar with….Read John 20 and 21 Before Enjoying This Article)
Maybe “Detours” Are All About Someone Making Money on “Detour” Signage?
Who’s “brain child” is the alternate route or the roadwork “detour”? Don’t you just dislike being re-routed? Detours rarely seem to happen at the right time. This re-routing of our treasured time inspires traffic backups or fender benders or just plain frustrates, all the while making one late to their destination. And, what about a tad bit extra car juice at the gasoline pump? Sometimes, it seems downright abusive to personal well-being. Detours of any kind bring penalty! …… I say, let’s just get there straightaway!
Go To Galilee Already!
What About “I Will Go Ahead”
Don’t You Understand?
Three times in the book of Matthew, Peter, John and others were instructed to meet the Lord in Galilee after His resurrection. – First, by Jesus during His betrayal night Passover meal. Again, three days later by an angel to Mary Magdalene and the other women, on the occasion of the resurrection. And, the third time, by a resurrected Jesus. (Matthew 26:32, 28:7, 28:9-10). But, Peter, John and others, stayed in Jerusalem. Having fled behind closed doors, they cowered in fear. Despite this Jesus appeared to them, imparting the courage and inclination to proceed to their destiny, He breathed the “new kind of God life” into them. But, that is for another discussion.
Get Moving There Is Nothing To See Here!
It’s To The Beach For You.
Jesus made a “Magisterial Pronouncement,“I will go ahead of you, leading the way to Galilee” – This is the type of grand announcement. How do I know, it is in the “context” and in the Greek word for “leading ahead or going ahead” – “proaxo”, and for a few other reasons. A “Magisterial Pronouncement” is emphatic! – The person making it can administer or determine “destiny” to one on the other end of the pronouncement. And, in this case, the first part of this geographical relocation request, makes the meeting up elsewhere possible – “After I am raised up”. In other words, “I have Risen”, and important “Kingdom on Earth Things” are now possible. – Let’s get to it! So, no detours here, just permission for warp speed down the freeway to the beach!” And, in John 21, the beach is exactly where Jesus was waiting as someone with legal rights and power.
Taking A Survey – Are You Flabbergasted About
God Appointments Delayed?
So, I ask, why didn’t they go straight to the beach? Perhaps, they didn’t understand yet, what “New Man” implies. Not quite, comprehending what a “dead person coming back to life” means either! Or, “That the Jesus who walks through physical structures is one worth taking seriously!” To be fair, wouldn’t you be a bit befuddled? However, some things about the Kingdom Son’s or Daughter’s agility to follow God’s “bouncing ball” of clear direction, do not change. Often, we are slow to put our foot on the gas pedal of The Holy Spirit’s leading. What if we ran not walked or dillydallied to our next God-Appointment? How different would our lives be?
“Destiny Delayed” isn’t as simple as “Destiny Denied”. – Because, there is always, “His Grace”. On the other hand, because “Divine Reward” can be missed, along with the dismissal of “Divine Appointment”, why opt out on the joy and the love and the peace of this kind of Heavenly advancement? The engraved invitation that starts with “now”, is worth opening. In any event, there in John 20, Jesus still visited Peter and John and Thomas, and the others, even though the halls of Heaven reverbed in perpetual echo – “Go straight to Galilee, don’t stop, cower with fear, or be paralyzed with a bad case of “Gosh, I don’t know. – Kids-O-Mine … there and only there is Your New Assignment!” Or, perhaps, maybe it is more like an ad infinitum sports chant, “Go, Go, Go, Go, Go….”
Check Your God Appointment Calendar!
Or, In Any Language …“Now Means Now”
Back where they started, there in Galilee, Peter and a few others start again. This time, it is exceptionally different. In John Chapter 21, after the resurrection, in the sense that He was before, Jesus was no longer “Master” and they, the “Disciples” in their re-defined role too. Now, Sons and Daughters, they were to “cast their nets toward Kingdom Destiny”. The Biblical text actually uses the word “Merous or Meris” which means “God – Appointed Destiny”. Where you ask? When Jesus invites Peter and John and the other’s to “Cast their nets to the right side of the boat” – (Right side = Destiny or The Portion). After all of this, the truth finally be understood, Jesus was triumphantly leading them all to His Destiny in and through them! Wow, from the start it was so misunderstood by the disappointed band of Jesus followers. Yet, there, at the shores of Galilee something like a “Destination Wedding” was waiting to begin – The welcoming groom, Jesus. – The new bride, Peter, John and the others. And, then the “I Do”, that act of “casting their nets towards a God- Appointed Destiny”.
Back To Where We Started …. Whose “brain child” is the “detour” from your Kingdom Destiny? Today, don’t you just dislike being re-routed? Detours rarely seem to happen at the right time. This re-routing of treasured time is a “detour” from Divine Appointment. Fear or misunderstanding or anything, deters the rewards of aligning yourself with Kingdom participation. This could mean anything for you, delay in healing or material provision or joy and peace, etc. It is tiring “missing His mark” and it shouts “misunderstanding”. The Holy Spirit says, “Go to Galilee, Jesus is there waiting for you!” I say, “Let’s get there straightaway!”
At peace with you Lord, I throw myself towards Heaven’s destiny. Like Peter and John and Thomas and Mary, I too am Your Child. I run in the direction of Your appointed purposes. Now, today, I readily journey to the geography where You stand. – There waiting for me, “I do” is my vow. I choose to wait for You in Galilee, Your plans for me bought with Your blood and treasure. Raised, like You, I follow Your present influence into the world. I am a Child of Heavenly Destiny! Amen!
By Dr. Linda Wainwright Trott – Copyright 2013