
So You Believe That God Is In Total Control Of The World, Huh?

by Steve Harmon

I guarantee you that if God was in ‘total control’ of the world, there is no way that the all-powerful, all-knowing God would let the world fall apart the way it has been on His watch. NO WAY!! The only reason that the world could look as bad as it does is because humans are in control. So how did humans get in control of the world? Well, God designed it that way. Why would He design it that way? So you could live a life of choice. How could people live a life of choice? By God choosing to not control your choice, thus letting go of having total control over everything.  More… »

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Girl Sees Two Angels In The Natural And Gets Saved Because Of It

by Steve Harmon

A couple years ago I went to meet a friend for her birthday at a dance club. Let’s call her ‘Sarah’. I wanted to stop in a wish her a happy birthday. The moment I stepped on the property of where the club was located I felt the Lord tell me “Spiritual warfare.” When I got inside of the club it was packed with people. I went looking for Sarah. I found and approached her, gave her a hug and told her ‘Happy Birthday’. It was too loud to really carry on a conversation. So after that I went outside, talked to a few of our mutual friends and left. The next day she asked another friend of mine, “Who were those two guys with Steve? Can you hook me up with one of them?” She said back to her, “There was nobody with Steve.” Sarah responds, “Yes there was! There were two huge guys with Steve!” The other girl responded, “No, there wasn’t.” Then Sarah froze and started to freak out. She described what she saw. She said that she saw two huge guys, both around seven feet talk. They had big muscles, were well built, had blond hair, blue eyes and were twins. They were wearing black suits, like secret service, and were both standing behind me. It’s funny because Sarah is really attracted to guys with that appearance and she’s not even five feet herself. She’s pretty short.  More… »

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The Tithe

by Bill Zerzen

Where do we get our understanding of what a tithe is and how to give it out? I will attempt to review, hopefully, most verses in the Bible regarding information relating to the tithe (If anyone knows of other Bible verses that are applicable to this subject, please tell me what these verses are and send them to me in an email:

I am writing this only to make people think a little bit more about their money and what the Lord would want them to do with it. We waste a lot of money on material things in this country. Do we use our money for these things before or after we give our tithe? Do you use your money wisely, in God’s sight? More… »

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The Bridegroom, Yahshua

The Bridegroom, Yahshua, had returned to His bride, the beloved, and He was riding a red horse standing among the myrtle trees in a ravine. The Esther’s of His house had returned to Him and heard His word of life and believed in Him for redemption even to eternal salvation. His Bride were in a ravine despised by their enemy, the accuser of the brethren, they were pressed in on all sides and it seemed like the world with its media, the systems of Babylon that oppressed the bride that many felt free to ridicule the bride because of her fallen state. The nations had peace with themselves but gave no thought to peace with the bride or the one who is Peace. But the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was jealous for His bride, for Jerusalem and Zion. There the Bridegroom proclaimed, I will return to Jerusalem with mercy and there my house will be rebuilt and the measuring line will be stretched out over Jerusalem that my towns will again overflow with prosperity and the Lord will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem. (Zechariah 1:1-17). More… »

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Prophetic Response to Recent Words of Coming Disasters to California

by Johnny Enlow, Senior Pastor of Daystar Church and a member of HIM’s Apostolic Team

I want to cautiously tread into responding to the prophetic words of coming disasters. Well known prophets have recently released words of devastating disasters particularly for California. Whenever, I hear or read a word, and the first thing my spirit picks up is fear or gloom, then I at that moment know I am reading or hearing something that at best is coming with a lot of mixture. By mixture, I mean that it’ll contain aspects of truth mixed with intentions of the enemy and then compounded with a measure of resident “gloominess” within the prophet’s spirit. In other words it will be a word that has third heaven perspectives, second heaven perspectives as well as being subject to the “spirit of the prophet”. I have for some time been aware of the power of the latter and how it can leaven an entire prophetic picture or encounter. More… »

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A Word for California

I have a high regard for Bob Jones and Rick Joyner and love their servants heart. They minister with what God has given them faithfully. I have know doubt that Bob Jones saw a devastating earthquake hitting California similar to that of the one that hit Japan recently. This prophecy troubles me deeply. They have counseled that we should leave California unless told by God to stay. There wasn’t a specific time given or region of California that would be hit with this earthquake. All of you know predicting an earthquake in California is not prophetic. However seeing one prophetically on the scale of Japan is serious indeed and not to be taken lightly at all. More… »

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