Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer Ministry
Specifically depends on the Holy Spirit showing up and ministering through the prayer teams. He touches the places we need to be touched for that time with Him. He deals with the whole person, body, soul, heart and spirit and brings His healing. He uses his prayer warriors and the gifts He gave them to operate through Him.
The lord has raised this ministry up to set His people free, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor on all who would come to Him. The Lord is so gentle and kind, full of compassion. He abounds in love and lavishes his grace, mercy and peace to those that come to Him.
This is a ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit aimed at bringing healing to the whole person. The majority of our ailments are closely tied to damage in the emotional and spiritual areas, inner healing focuses there. We bring, as representatives of Christ, His power based on the finished work of the cross to bear on the roots from which such damage springs. These hurts are often in the memories carried unconsciously by those who come for help, inner healing involves a special focus on what is sometimes called the healing of memories.
Specific problems often encountered are unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, rejection, unworthiness, fear, worry, sexual issues, addictive and compulsive behaviors, depression, suicide and many more. Our relationship with ourselves, others and God are almost always damaged and take away our joy that we have in Christ. As God’s children we are called by Christ to live an abundant life in Him, full of victory, power, love, joy, peace and every fruit of the Spirit. We have every spiritual blessing in Christ now. We don’t experience this in our lives for many reasons. The good news is Jesus wants to change that today. He uses this ministry as one of the ways in which He blesses His people.
The lord deals with us in so many areas. Each prayer session is different as God always shows up to touch His children. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t show up, we have nothing of lasting value to offer. Thankfully our God is always faithful. The Lord wants to set the whole person free from:
- Spiritual Disability. Usually we are spiritually disabled from rebellion, sin or neglect of our relationship with God.
- Physical Disability
- Inner Being Disability. Things like anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, fear, worry, guilt, shame and a host of other things disable us from the peace in Christ that surpasses all understanding.
- Oppression/Captivity victimization by Satan and others, circumstances.
- Broken Relationships. With self, God and others.
- Poverty/Wealth/Greed.
- Demonization. Freedom and authority over demons and their harassment.
- Powerlessness
- Death (Spiritual life now, living and walking in the Holy Spirit).
To prepare and decide if this kind of prayer is something for you Jesus asked a very profound question; “Do you want to get well? Jesus asked this question of the man who had been waiting by a pool for many years. He was an invalid for thirty-eight years. He could never get down to the pool fast enough to be healed and no one would help him. He explained the circumstance to Jesus why he couldn’t get healed but never answered the Lords question. In compassion, Jesus healed this man. But how refreshing if His people would just say yes Lord I want to get well, you can heal me if you are willing. If we look to our circumstances instead of keeping our eyes on the Lord this kind of prayer will not be as effective for you. Pride is a huge issue for all humankind. “There is nothing wrong me”, “it’s everybody else”, “I don’t need prayer”,” I am fine”. For the few that are truly living the abundant life, walking in their full inheritance as children of the living God and walking in the Spirit, this is the freedom we seek. The lord always shows mercy, grace and he lifts up the humble of heart.
Fear is the other motivator that keeps people away from meeting in intimacy with the Lord. He so want’s to be with you but He won’t force himself on you. We have been running from God since the Garden of Eden when we hid ourselves from the Lord when He came walking in the cool of the evening looking for Adam and Eve. We still run from His love today. People are afraid of what others will think. The lord tells us to please Him and not man. People are afraid that their secrets are so hideous that no one can possibly love them if they knew the truth, and so they suffer quietly. Many believe that they will be blamed or experience judgment for the things going on in their lives. Christ calls us to freedom and repentance. They are worried about being judged or condemned. We suffer with guilt and shame and don’t know the freedom of grace and forgiveness. This is the major tool of the evil one. He will do anything he can to keep your from your inheritance as a son or daughter of the living God. If we make one tiny step toward God, He walks miles to meet with us! Fear keeps most people away from this type of prayer and experience with the Lord. The Lord has given us his Spirit of love and peace not a spirit of fear.
In practicality these session can last anywhere from 1/1/2 hours to 3 hours depending on what the Spirit is doing. It’s a lot of hard work for the one receiving prayer. It can be very tiresome. Each session will be unique as the Gentle healer addresses different areas of brokenness. It can take a few weeks to process everything that happened during the session. Follow up calls resting and calling on the Lord are a very crucial part to healing. Come just as you are with an expectation of meeting with the living God. Prepare yourself by being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, whatever God wants to talk to you about. He knows you better than anyone. Ask Him to bless you and give you courage to give up those things that were never meant for you to carry.
Everyone can benefit from this type of prayer. This kind of prayer always brings you into greater intimacy with the Lord. If you seek Him with all or your heart mind and strength, He will be found. Come for he who loves you with an everlasting love makes all things ready. This type of prayer incorporates so much of the learning over the past decade of many different models through so many blessed ministers in this area. Sozo, Cleansing Stream, Deliverance, Prayer Counseling and a whole host of others are all used according to the gifts of the Spirit.