Tired, rundown, weary feeling kind of hopeless at times is a condition in the soul.
The soul is quite different than your spirit. Most of us only know how to live from our soul. Its why we get run down, have a hard time hearing from God. More… »
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The idea that following Christ, bearing fruit and bringing heaven to earth would be easy and without cost is only supported by those who have taken no ground.
Every promise you have from God will be challenged and tested. Words of encouragement and prophecy at times will be delayed and misunderstood. More… »
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His prevailing goodness for us expressed in His son, never fails. We live in such different days than we knew just a decade ago. So much change. He does not change but our revelation of Him needs to so we can know life in our appointed days on the earth. Jesus is that life. More… »
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After the fall, Father calls out to Adam and Eve looking for His image in Adam and Eve and He doesn’t see it. He wasn’t looking for information as to their whereabouts. He was looking at a distortion that broke His heart saying Adam and Eve what have you done with my image and the location in which I placed you, in the whole of the earth.
God saw that Adam and Eve lost the title deed to the earth and Satan now becomes the ruler of the prince of the air in the earth taking the place of Adam and Eve. Hence when Satan offered Jesus the Kingdoms of the earth, it was a legitimate offer. More… »
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Leaving a need based prayer life with God puts you on the road to hear from Wisdom and know the favor of your heavenly Father. He loves it when you do well. It delights His heart as you know His favor. Abiding in the favor of God comes through practice and trusting His goodness by waiting on Him in His presence. You hear His wisdom and when Wisdom speaks, your life is preserved and you don’t suffer loss. More… »
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Our souls encounter the natural world in such a vivid way. Our senses are located in our soul. The soul is made both for the supernatural and the natural. King David knew the pain of the soul and often cried out to God to bring him relief. Much of the Psalms are written about this very issue of rest and restoration of the soul. More… »
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Many of us have known distress in our lives. We even can relate all to familiar with the words David spoke thousands of years ago:
“Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress;
my eyes grow weak with sorrow,
my soul and body with grief.
My life is consumed by anguish
and my years by groaning;
my strength fails because of my affliction,
and my bones grow weak.”
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